If things haven’t been working out for you in your attempt to have a thriving business, I completely understand.
You see, things were like this for me at one point too, and several of my clients as well. It’s pretty normal.
Thinking that researching on the internet for hours a day was the key to generating the kind of income I wanted to make with my business, I dived right into it. I wasted countless hours trying to figure it all out myself. The Free or cheap way.
I devoured all kinds of articles and freebies that were MOSTLY outdated strategies, that took forever to get clients. They didn’t explain how to specifically/were so general that I couldn’t figure out how to apply (the outdated) techniques to my business in the first place, and didn’t have anyone to turn to for support. I felt alone.
I felt frustrated.
I felt confused.
But I knew there had to be a better way.
My client Chelle called me one day, feeling the same way. Not only that, she was starting to lose hope and was thinking she may have to close up shop if she didn’t figure it out quickly.
After a year of spinning her wheels, she was left feeling jaded, demoralized, and didn’t see how she could ever make her business work.
Good news is, after 8 weeks with me, she went on to grow, hire and expand to higher levels than she imagined before. She had so much clarity on what to do and how to be effective.
Let me tell you why most people don’t end up having a thriving business., and Why Things Haven’t Been Working Out For You…
First, our school system isn’t designed to teach us to be business owners. It is designed to teach us to become good workers.
Second, I have clients that come to me with MBA and Business degrees that they have spend $100K+, that tell me they are still teaching outdated methods that do not get results.
Third, these “Guru’s” haven’t been around long enough or have the track record that I have, since I’ve been coaching business owners to success since 1996.
They are also, only sharing pieces to the puzzle and it doesn’t work unless those pieces are put in the right order. Plus if you miss a step, it won’t work either. This is probably what’s happening for you.
It is really not your fault, so do not worry.
It’s just the way things are… because of the school system, and so called “Guru’s” only giving pieces to the puzzle. I get calls every day from many who have issues trying to get their business to work properly… so it’s not just YOU
If things haven’t been working out for you, let’s see if we’d be a good fit to work together and change things.
You may need someone to guide you and show you the correct way forward. Someone who can take the guesswork out of it so it can go quickly.
I volunteer! If you don’t mind, of course.
I have navigated all of these obstacles myself, and have helped thousands of business owners for 20+ years, so I know what works and doesn’t work that can save a lot of time and money.
Stay tuned for my next post, where I will go through more ways to boost your business to the next level.
If you are committed, resourceful and ready to get your business working now, go ahead and book a FREE call so we can brainstorm what’s not working, to get you crystal clear on how to get you on track.
It’ll be the best 45min you’ll ever spend on your business.
Book a call now: meetme.so/HeatherBlaise
P.S. If you haven’t see my FREE Masterclass on the 5 steps my clients use to get consistent clients paying a premium, without wasting time and money on marketing, join here now to get an 24 hour pass. Click HERE now!