Empowering others to empower themselves. Kiva allows you to make micro-loans to entrepeneurs for whom amounts as little as $25 can mean the difference between poverty and success. You can read their business plans, read about them, and choose the people you’d like to help, and they’ll actually pay you back!
2. Landmark Educations Curriculum for Living course
A 3 part course that gives you the tools to eliminate suffereing in every area of your life. The tools to create new realms of possibilities, find your purpose and true happiness, peace and freedom are all part of the courses. Given in an informal setting with 75-250 students for around $500 in the USA(yet available word-wide), these courses are valuable for anyone at any stage in life. It is the course that I owe my success to.
3. Celebrating Men to Satisfy Women
Finding true cohesive partnership with the opposite sex. A lot of what I’ve talked about regarding “The Amazing Development of Men” is applicable here, and a great place to start if you’re interested. Before taking these courses, I saw men as “hairy women” Meaning I assumed men communicated, and behaved the same as women and could not understand why they kept “misbehaving”. After learning what characteristic stem from human instinct, has me now see men in a different light, and now find the things that used to bother me, as endearing and sweet. I see them for the heros, protectors, and providers that they are.
4. Being completely self-sufficient.
No reliance on government for water, food, shelter, electricity, clothing, etc. Solar power, backyard organic gardening, and more are all tools that we can use to empower ourslves and help the environment at the same time.
5. Making a difference in community
How to create awareness and make an impact on society around what works for the majority instead of just complaining about it. I’ve been thinking about ways to increase school funding for teachers, bring healthier food to the tables of Americans, etc. How to turn the American economy around, world peace, healthy, happy, productive members of society, and many more issues. I’d love to hear some feedback and get some discussions going to solve the challenges we’d all love the improve!
6. The Power of Love
The power of love is so great that all it takes is an image. A snippet. A snapshot. A girl’s face in a passing train, a desperate embrace in the street. Bear witness to love, even from afar, and it changes you, sets a bird free in your chest.
Filmmakers know this. And thank God for that. Because watching something as gorgeous and powerful as Annette Bening and Julianne Moore wrestle in their ocean of love onscreen in The Kids Are All Right does more than make a political statement; it blasts politics to atoms. In the film, as in life, when it comes to love, the particulars are irrelevant. Recently U.S. district judge Joseph Tauro wrote, “To further divide the class of married individuals into those with spouses of the same sex and those with spouses of the opposite sex is to create a distinction without meaning.”
He’s right, of course. The power of love is not dependent upon anything as prosaic as gender or age. What matters is the connection of one soul to another, the elemental magic that convinces you that you matter. That you are seen. That you are not alone.