
The shape of your life reveals itself to you moment by moment. Have you ever seen that movie or read the book “The Secret”? It’s all about the laws of attraction. Like the laws of gravity, there is the law of attraction. Meaning whatever we focus on and believe, either good or bad, whether it serves us or not, and we will attract more of that.

We attract certain people and attract certain situations into our lives based on our beliefs and the actions we take and the choices we make based on those beliefs, thus we notice things moment by moment. Depending what we believe our life reveals itself moment by moment. If we say “I can’t do ….”, well, we can’t! If we say “I can do that!”, well, we can! If we believe that there is never any parking, guess what? If we say we have so much abundance all the time, we’re so lucky, and we really believe that, we will notice when these moments show up that we can seize and take action on. They keep showing up, moment by moment. If we don’t believe it and take action, and only say affirmations but don’t really believe it, it doesn’t work either.

Bring good things to your life by believing that good things are in your life!