Rediscover sex as a source of life-giving energy. We all have busy lives, and as a result are exhausted. Doing what it takes to keep our energy up like, eating well, sleeping well, exercising, and taking care of our needs, is neccessary for doing what it takes to create a long lasting, connected relationship. Remember that for men, sex is just as important as intimacy is for women. For many men, sex is equivalent to intimacy. If you let him know that you find him attractive and that you have desire for him, his self esteem will skyrocket, he’ll be more eager to please you, and as a great bonus his testosterone will increase, making him more youthful and vigorous than ever. This will make your relationship better and lead to more intimacy, AND more physical intimacy. Once he starts being physically intimate with you more often, he’ll be more of a man due to his increased testosterone levels, leading you to find him even more attractive, and it will create a really great feedback loop for your love life. Find out what works for you as a couple and start implementing one thing at a time. Before you know it, you’ll have more energy than you’ll know what to do with. Well, you may think of something….
Energy and your love life, a positive feedback loop
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