What is your relationship to money? Do you want to be wealthy? The first step to becoming wealthy is to have a good relationship with money. If you think money is bad, or rich people are bad, you will never be wealthy. If your relationship to money is like, “I hate you, but I need you”, it would be the same as if you believed that about your significant other. You don’t look at the love of your life and think “I hate you, but I need you” or they probably wouldn’t have come into your life or wouldn’t stick around long if your energy was such as that.
Money is simply the currency in which we live by. It’s nothing more or nothing less. It is what ever we make it mean. I make it mean freedom. For me it buys me time, trips, and enhances my life. With money I empower others by providing jobs. The jobs I provide, save me from having to do things I don’t like doing. Cleaning, filing, doing laundry, painting walls, putting together furniture from ikea, returning things to the store, and all that time I save from doing those tasks, allows me to think of and implement ways of creating more money to pay them.
Most people don’t think this way. It took over 1 year for my friend to finally take the leap to hire an assistant. His excuse was “I don’t have enough money to pay an assistant”. I kept telling him, that once the assistant is hired, the money will come, because it freed him up to create and work on other jobs. Sure enough, as soon as he hired her, the jobs and the money started rolling in. The time he didn’t have before to call his clients to follow up, now was delegated to his new assistant. She organized his office, saving time to search for things. She went to the post office and made all of those calls that place you on hold forever. You see how it goes.
He started off having her work 2 days per week. Within 3 months, she was working full time and he gave her a raise, plus a Christmas bonus. It happens every time as long as that new free time is focused on planning, creating and implementing.
Think of money as energy; use it to empower, not control, your life, and it will show up in abundance.