An excerpt from the latest book I’m working on



Have you ever heard that voice inside your head? That little voice? Be still for a moment and listen for it. Did you do it? It’s that voice that is always talking to you. If you are saying to yourself “What Voice”? That’s the voice! This voice is your learned consciousness. It is a combination of what your parents, teachers, society, and your past experience has taught you. It is also known as your ego, and is what controls your every decision, your every move, your every choice, unless you are completely aware of it and can make a distinction of the two.

Have you ever found yourself wanting to do something but just never get around to doing it? Something stops you. It’s usually fear, but where does that fear stem from? Any ideas? It’s from your past. We have no control over the future or the past because either of those two realities exists. The past is gone. You cannot change anything about it. The future has not happened and we do not have any control of it either, all we have is now. You may think you have control over the future because you can say; I can make choices about what I choose to do. This is true, but unfortunately all of those choices are made from experiences we’ve had in the past. If you are not clearly distinct on what that looks like it is impossible to freely choose what to do with our future. Image if you were so present in the moment that you could freely choose anything you want for yourself and your life. Imagine for a moment that anything and everything is possible for you. What would that look like?

Imagine for a moment if there was no right and wrong but only what works and what doesn’t work. Imagine for a moment that there were no grey areas, only black and white. Imagine for a moment that there is no meaning to life. That life is empty and meaningless. When I say this I am not coming from a pessimistic viewpoint. It is quite the opposite actually. I am one of the most optimistic people you will ever meet. I come from a reality, a standpoint if you will, that life is empty and meaningless, which allows me to add any meaning I wish. I usually choose to see things from a positive standpoint and the meanings I add, are usually positive.

Recently, I came across the incredible research on levels of consciousness by a Dr. David Hawkins in the field of human consciousness.

Levels of consciousness may sound dry and unappealing… BUT you have no idea of the importance and relevance that this information has for each one of us.

POWER vs. FORCE is the culmination of twenty-five years’ research into human consciousness. Dr Hawkins demonstrates the application of his Kinesiological process/ method (explained clearly for the layman) in commerce, art, sport, etc. Then he explains its spiritual application, as a path to enlightenment.

Beyond this, Dr. Hawkins demonstrates Kinesiological calibration as a tool for assessing value and motive, revealing the hidden determinants of human behavior—and establishing a Map of Consciousness that illuminates the spiritual ladder we must follow as a race and as individuals as we travel through this game we call LIFE.

Using this method, Dr. Hawkins has created a logarithmic scale ranking of different levels of consciousness, from shame, to courage, to enlightenment. 
According to Dr. Hawkins, effectiveness of activity from the higher states of consciousness is based on power, the influence of good or leadership. The effectiveness of activity from the lower states of consciousness is based on force.

Dr. Hawkins contrasts power vs. force in the areas of politics, the marketplace, and in sports.

In politics, the Constitution of the United States and the Declaration of Independence were both based on spiritual principles from which they derive their power to inspire the world to pursue the democratic ideal.

In business, Wal-Mart is cited as an example of a successful principle-centered organization. In sports, individual athletes inspire us through their devotion to the ideals of sport, rather than their personal glory.

If you really wish to understand the foundation of why we need to manage our ENERGY/AWARENESS/CONSCIOUSNESS my book, “BE”, will give you a great foundation to begin a journey of growth.

The real power of this work lies in the understanding relating to people and performance (What they DO). Unless we shift (Internally) the way our people show-up (BE), it is very hard to get them to DO anything much different from what they are already doing now. 

To change performance or results on a long-term basis requires that we address internal aspects of ourselves that are not based on rational logic and thinking. It requires that we climb the ladder of consciousness and discover exactly what it is that controls our entire way of being.

It requires that we become acquainted with those parts of us that control and influence motivation, commitment, Identity, value, passion and purpose.  Our BEINGNESS directly influences, controls and directs our DOINGNESS.

Transformation begins and ends on the invisible level inside. Power comes from higher levels of consciousness; force comes from the fear-based lower levels of unconsciousness.

It’s your choice to climb up the ladder, or down the ladder, of consciousness. Your future and destiny is in your hands. How cool would it be to discover who you really are, not who your being based on what you’ve learned in the past. To be able to make that distiction and act from a place of truth. There would be no fear,  there would be limitations, there would be no stopping you!  


Transformational Training


For full empowerment -we need to train on all levels: – tactic knowing, emotional knowing, intuitive knowing, and body knowing and rational knowing!”

To benefit from our untapped potential, we have to create and adopt new ways of thinking, directing and supporting.

We are multi-dimensional beings. By developing on only one dimension (Rational knowing/IQ: 10%-20%) and neglecting the others (Tactile, emotional, intuitive and body: 80%-90%), we are losing out on benefiting from our FULL potential. People react, respond and perform, based upon reference and recollection to many facets of their stored memories or our learned consciousness. Unless we can easily differentiate our ego or learned consciousness from our true selves, we cannot separate emotion or attitudes from knowledge and skill in our day-to-day activities.

Wherever we use our rational knowledge, we also have associated emotions, beliefs, values, attitudes and perspectives that are deeply interwoven. If we are to expect optimal performance and productivity from ourselves, we have to recognize, develop and empower ourselves on all dimensions. If we continue to only address the rational level and ignore the others, imbalances will occur. Because we are holistic, all dimensions are inter-dependent. Imbalanced development severely restricts our ability to perform and inter-relate at our peak, thus stopping ourselves from creating possibilities from nothing and continually stopping ourselves from achieving those possibilities.

The dimensions we need to address are: Emotional, Physiological, Mental and Intuitive/Spiritual. They ALL interact and directly influence each other. They influence and control all levels of knowledge, skill, aptitudes, attitudes, abilities, performance levels and productivity.

Most people have parts of themselves locked-away/frozen through life’s encounters. And it is with these “weak links” and perspectives that they “TRY” to “be the best that they can be”. Always “trying” – never fully AUTHENTIC; never fully empowered. One of my favorite quotes was actually from Star Wars of all places. Yoda says “Do or do not, there is no try.”

Can we really expect to perform exceptionally, when we do not empower and develop ourselves on all levels?

We are (as a human race) “Meaning making machines”! We attach meaning to absolutely everything whether it really means that or not! For example a mother could tell her son “Honey you need to wear a jacket because it’s cold outside”, and the son (not wanting to wear a jacket) makes it mean that his mother is controlling him and at that moment in life declares to himself “Nobody will ever control me.” Guess what happens to that little boy? He grows up to be an adult and all the while throughout his journey into manhood lives his life as though nobody is going to control him. Even when people aren’t trying to control him, he makes it mean that, because of that one instance.

Everyone has done this at some point it their lives. Maybe it wasn’t controlling, maybe it was a declaration of “I’m not good enough” or “I don’t trust you”. Whatever the case may be we all as children witnessed something that made us declare who we were going to be in life moving forward. If you want, think back to your earliest childhood memory of an instance where you declared yourself to be something. Think of it as a child would have said it though. Not as an adult. For me it was when my father and mother got divorced. I made it mean that I wasn’t accepted, even though it had nothing to do with me, and from that moment forward I was living my life from that standpoint. I would try extra hard to make friends. I always had to be the most popular girl. I would do whatever it took to look and be cool. Even if it meant getting in a lot of trouble, and boy did I get in a lot of trouble! The other thing I would do, would be to get my father to accept me. For 18 years, I couldn’t figure out why he didn’t accept me. I kept telling that story of how mean my Dad was. I focused on all of the little things he didn’t do perfectly to back up “My Story” (of how he didn’t accept me). I would collect evidence to confirm that this was true. I would share (my view) of the story to get consensus of how mean and selfish my father was. I would twist things that occurred into evidence. I resented him, and my stepmother. All the while wondering why we didn’t have this close relationship I always wanted to have. Of course when you resent someone and are convinced that this was in fact reality, how do you think I acted toward them? It’s hard to hide resentment completely. They treated me, how I treated them. It was a vicious circle for 18 years.

See, what I was doing was fueling the fire. I was taking something that had happened, made it mean something, and then created a story around it to join the two together. It went something like the following diagram: 

Something Happened + What I made it Mean = Story

What I should have done and what I do now is to keep all of it separate.

Something Happened

No Story

What I made it mean followed up with what actually was meant

(or what actually happened)

Now, most people don’t see the distinction. They make whatever they make it mean reality, which isn’t actually so. Reality is fact that can be measured in time, distance and space. Meaning cannot be measured therefore it is not fact. This is why we have so much miscommunication and so much upset. If we can clearly see the distinction between this we will have a lot less upset in the world and lot more peace and happiness, not to mention better relationships.

A human tendency to collapse what happened; with the story we tell about what happened. This collapsing happens so fast it becomes hard to separate the two, and we think of them as one and the same. Almost immediately, and certainly over time, the story we tell ourselves becomes the way it is – the reality we know. It limits what is possible in our lives, robbing us of much of our joy and effectiveness.

When we are able to separate what happened from our story or interpretation, we discover that much of what we considered already determined, given and fixed, may in fact not be that way. Situations that may have been challenging or difficult become fluid and open to change. We find ourselves no longer limited by a finite set of options, and able to achieve what we want with new ease and enjoyment.

If you found any of this interesting, please stay tuned for the release of my book “BE”.  It will probably be complete 2010.