Body and Soul


Years ago, when I lived in Maui, I met a Buddhist. He taught me about meditation, and a 100 syllable mantra. He used to live next door to a monastery. Many evenings we would meet for tea and just sit, listen to, and feel the vibrations from the repetitive chanting that would that would echo  from the building next door. It was an energy that I had not experienced until then. It inspired me to learn the mantra by heart and go visit the big Buddha Statue at The Lahaina Jodo Mission, regularly.

Since then, and still today, I recite this mantra to give me energy, calm my nerves, help me sleep, or just to quiet my mind and keep me focused. 


As a practicing Christian, you may prefer the Lords Prayer and you may not be open to this, but if you are open to it, learning this or any mantra, can help keep you focused and centered. If you’re feeling tired, sit and repeat this for 10 min straight out loud. You’ll feel more awake than a triple-non-fat-no-whip-Starshmuks-cafe latte. If you get nervous before a test or having to speak in public, reciting this over in you head will calm your nerves too.  Here you go…


The One Hundred Syllable Mantra of Vajrasattva

The meaning of the hundred syllable mantra of vajrasattva a prayer which invokes the mindstreams of the Buddhas translated into the Tibetan language.

OM is the supreme praise.

VAJRA SATTVA SA MA YA= The Vajrasattva samayas

MA NU PA LA YA VAJRA SATTVA = Grant your protection Vajrasattva.

TE NO PA TISITTHA DRI DHO ME BHA WA = Remain firm in me.

SU TO KA YO ME BHA WA = Make me totally satisfied.

SU PO KA YO ME BHA WA = Increase the positive within me.

ANU RAKTO ME BHA WA = Be loving towards me.

SARVA SIDDHIM ME PRA YATSA = bestow all the Accomplishments.

SARVA KARMA SU TSA ME = As well as all the Activities.

TSITTAM SHRE YAM KU RU = Make my mind rirtuous!

HUM = Is the heart essence seed syllable.

HA HA HA HA = symbolizes the four Boundless, four Empowerments, four Joys, and the four kayas.

HO = Is the sound of joyous laughter in them.

BHA GA WAN SARVA TA THA GA TA = Bhagawan, All the tathagatas.

VAJRA MA ME MUNTSA = Vajrasttva don’t abandon me.

VAJRI BHA WA = I pray that I may become a Vajra holder.

MA HA SA MA YA SATTVA = Great Samaya Sattva.

AH Signifies uniting in non-duality.